Together we can end HIV criminalization. Join us!

About a month ago, the Health Not Prisons Collective (HNP) launched our Ready, Set, REPEAL campaign to get the REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act (H.R. 6111) passed. Last week we started 11 days of action, one for each year that Congress has failed to pass the REPEAL Act. 

The REPEAL Act would be a big step forward in changing discriminatory laws that criminalize people living with HIV simply because of our status. Ending HIV criminalization cannot wait! We have so many different ways for you to engage with the campaign and make a difference!

1. Pledge to fight for the REPEAL Act here:

  • You can sign on as an individual, as an organization, or both!

  • If you’re signing on as an organization, we’ve prepared some social media graphics to make it super simple to e-blast to your lists and share on your pages!

  • Individual signers will receive a free REPEAL HIV Discrimination sticker in the mail after the campaign! Here’s a sneak peek! 

2. Contact your U.S. House Representative by setting up a meeting, calling, or emailing.

  • We set up a portal so you can email your Representative with just a few clicks! Just input your address, customize the message, and click send:

  • We have also put together the Ready, Set, REPEAL Toolkit for Advocates where you’ll find all the information, tips, tricks, scripts, and sample posts you need to be an amazing advocate:

3. Share Share Share!

  • Share these links and resources on social media using the hashtag #rsr11days

  • Share, forward, or tag your friends in the comments on PWN’s social media posts about REPEAL (FB: @pwnusa, IG: @postivewomensnetworkusa, TW: @uspwn)

  • Share your stories about HIV criminalization or how it went contacting your Representative about REPEAL and tag PWN!

  • If you’re an organization, ask your constituency to sign the pledge and contact their Representative!

4. Learn more about the REPEAL Act; the Ready, Set, REPEAL Campaign; and the work of the Health Not Prisons Collective!

  • Learn more about HNP here, scroll to the bottom and sign up for updates!

  • The Ready, Set, REPEAL Toolkit is filled with helpful info and links to tons of other resources so you can take as deep a dive as you want:

  • Watch the amazing webinar from the launch of the Ready, Set, REPEAL Campaign here: It features moving testimony from PLHIV who have been criminalized for their status, a message from U.S. Representative Barbara Lee who first introduced the REPEAL Act, and much more.

We’re counting on you! Ready, Set, REPEAL!

Published: September 27th, 2022