Health Not Prisons Launches State Advocate Program

As part of our commitment to elevate racial justice in the HIV decriminalization movement, the Health Not Prisons Collective (HNP) is launching an initiative to support legislative advocacy and coalition involvement in HIV decriminalization efforts by Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color living with HIV.  The yearlong HNP Advocates project will support three selected advocates from four prioritized states with HIV decriminalization coalitions working on legislative efforts in Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, or Tennessee with some financial resources, mentorship, and coaching.


The HNP Advocate Project aims to increase meaningful participation and leadership by BIPOC people living with HIV within HIV decriminalization coalitions by supporting, resourcing, and coaching advocates to engage fully with efforts to decriminalize or modernize HIV laws. HNP Advocates will work in state HIV coalitions to gain knowledge and expertise about the state legislative process, how to engage legislators and other stakeholders to enact change at the state level, and community mobilization tactics. 

Participants accepted to the HNP Advocates Project will receive a monthly stipend of $500 to support their participation in state-level HIV decriminalization efforts. They will also receive a skill development training stipend that will support their participation in professional development training and relevant HIV conferences like HIV is Not a Crime. Monthly coaching and check-ins will be provided by seasoned HIV decriminalization advocates and HNP staff to address emergent needs. Read more about the program and how to apply here.

Published: May 25th, 2022